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Leighton, congratulations on another thoroughly researched and impactful essay. I guess I am one of the bad guys. I am so offended that a man with his genitalia hanging out was shown on international television even though children were watching. I live on Vancouver Island in a town where Christians are invisible. Apparently, the town I live in is the least Christian and most secular city in all of Canada. When SOGI was first being pushed out the door, I urged local ministers to get involved and become one team to stand up against it, but no actions taken I believe it is very possible, and very easy to do, to mistake apathy for empathy, I wrote a small letter to be published in seven newspapers here on Vancouver Island, and I’m not sure that they were ever published. But I thought that was what was required of me. I follow all of the things that you post and I’ve always been impressed by the amount of work you put into this and still maintain a legal practice. It is a difficult time for me personally, to really determine what I’m going to do with the rest of my life. Am I going to be one of those of whom it may be said “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands”.,Or, will I be one of those people who makes his voice known, not for his own sake, but for the sake of Christ and His church. I know that Jesus needs no defence, but I think it’s very important that people in cities such as the the one I live in know that there is a Christian community. We love Christ and we notice everything that is done in contradiction to the truths of the gospel.

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