Oops. This was a superb podcast Leighton. I have just finished reading a book by Dietrich Bonhoeffer called Life Together. It speaks to some of the issues you have raised here. As you know, Bohhoeffer was hanged as a traitor because he was involved in an attempted assassination of Hitler. I think that as Christians, particularly in this country. We have become very apathetic and unwilling to take a chance, make a choice, and stand on our choice in defence of it. I wonder what would’ve happened if every local pastor in the community in which I live, Nanaimo, had a greed together that we will not cancel our Sunday morning services. Would the city be willing to risk their reputation and public disgrace each and every Sunday morning by sending in the police, or some other form of enforcement? God bless James Coates and his congregation. John MacArthur in the United States, and his large congregation, never stopped holding services on Sunday. Apparently there were a couple of fines levied against the church and the pastor, but they kept going. I think in moments of contradiction within our own hearts and spirits, we come to a place where we must let go of our own personal thoughts and surrender our thoughts and ideas and responses to God‘s commands. This is what John MacArthur did. It is a time within this nation, for each, and every Christian, to make a determination on how we will respond to the totalitarian governmental control that we now see everywhere. We are not only accountable to God for the actions we take or do not take, but accountable to our brother and those around us who love the name of Jesus Christ. It is time for the leaders of our churches and the lesser magistrates in this nation to stand up and be counted. Thank you for this great article Leighton. Very stirring, very challenging.

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A superb podcast Leighton. I’m just finished reading a book by Dietrich Bon Hoffer.

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