Leighton as Brandon has suggested I too look forward to the publishing of your book. This was a great article. Very well written poignant and timely. After reading this piece, in brief and traditional summation, I think of this old cliché. No God, no______. Know God, know______. Peace, love, purpose, life itself, salvation,adventure, challenge, hope. You can make up your own list. Jesus is God incarnate and in him is fullness of joy.

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Leighton, as Brandon has asked I’m looking forward to the publishing of your book. This was a superb piece. One man or one woman cannot change this by themselves. But together, we have a grand and great opportunity. Now is the only time that we’re given. We must act while there is still light. There is an old cliché that is part of Christian tradition. No God no ———- . Know God know ———___

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Exceptional article ✔ Will you make it into a book ? 🙏

There are numerous things I would like to share that validate this missive, but I will only share 2.

First: politicians banning the Bible. If anyone thinks Norway is the anomaly, of course here in Canada the danger of Bill C-367 and Bill C-63 were mentioned.

What numerous people are clueless about is Bill C-4, a law ALREADY IN PLACE that imposes a sentence of up to 5 YEARS IN PRISON for telling someone what the Bible says about grade 6 biology - namely there are only men and women.

💥Pierre Poilievre voted THE SAME AS TRDUEAU Trudeau for this abomination😲☣⚠

You can see the Parliamentary record of all the MP's and what they voted here:


2 - The complete and total failure of Western Civilization to learn from history the violent nature of radical Islam that seeks to wipe all infidels (you and I) of the face of the earth 😮

While this observation may illicit opposition, the facts speak for themselves

Unlike most of the critics, I own a Quran, and read it. It is self explanatory

For others who will howl in agony and say "all Islam is not violent", the most logical response is that observation is irrelevant. The researched facts show us that between 300 million and 600 million Islamic people have said on the record that suicide bombing is justified 🥴🥴


An article detailing more recent events


And finally, if you want a really well-done historical perspective, read this book by PHD Serge Trifkovic

The Sword of the Prophet: Islam: History, Theology, Impact on the World.


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Excellent Brandon & Grayson

I agree with you both.

I am praying for this world and a great spiritual revival.

God Bless You Both

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This will be an awesome event!

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