Thank you giving clarity to what I have been seeing for decades now. I truly wish I could dismiss what you have said as demented ravings of a conspiracy theorist and go back to sticking my head in the sand. Mark Steyn’s first book on this topic “America Alone” was a warningv to stop increasing immigration and push back on Islamic jihadis on foreign soils. Unfortunately his second book “After America” is a modest obituary. Michigan has become an Islamist enclave. How do the American people tolerate Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib as members of congress? Have we already lost the fight against the Islamic invasion?

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Not yet.

But if we don't all get off the bunch soon - It will be over

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Excellent article. So many great observations - when is the book coming out? 😀

In 99 seconds, this video show the immigration plan to install permanent LIEberal/Democrat dictatorships in Canada and America


There is a massive problem of immigration as it relates to a comparison of providing a population from your own country. Creating growth from your own nation provided the government time to put the necessary infrastructure in place to accommodate the people. Mass migration is crippling Canada and destroying our healthcare and crippling every service we traditionally were able to reasonable depend on. If this is not stopped immediately, collapse is inevitable and the Conservatives under the guise of political correctness and inclusivity Danielle Smith and Pierre Poilievre are driving us headlong into it. https://letsgobrandonpringle.substack.com/p/dear-premier-will-you-fight-for-free

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