Dear Leighton

I had the privilege to meet you at the first app. Event in Bonnyville.

I was the guy standing with you at the entrance.

I was welcoming newcomers. And volunteering with the app. Group.

I really enjoy listening to your podcasts.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work that in our quest for revival in the truth.

May God bless and protect you and your family.

Jules Joly

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Leighton, thank you for this great and godly piece. We are living in times like no other. The devil roams the earth seeking whom

he may devour. The evil is being done out in the open with no intent to hide its manifestations. I once was young but am old now yet I am willing to stay in the fight . If not me, then who? Your description and analysis of these attacks, lies, deceptions is what I too feel. It is very easy for me to live in a constant state of anger and frustration. I do not want to be one of many who simply say “meh”. Apathy is unhelpful. We need to see and act. I felt refreshed when I got to the lace of your five points. They are a reminder of what is necessary to not be overwhelmed and to find solace and purpose in life. Thank you!

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